Health & Food Psychology Program

Reset your relationship with food.
Are there some foods you wish you wanted to eat less, and other foods you wish you wanted to eat more?
Are you confused about what’s actually ‘healthy’? Or do you already know, but you’re not eating that way because it feels like your cravings are in control?
Are you sick and tired of using food to soothe (or numb) stressful emotions?
If so, you're in the right place. We can help.
90 Day Health & Body Transformation Program
Enjoy a Guaranteed Breakthrough In Your Health and Fitness Levels Within 90
Days Without Dieting, Simply By Changing Your Relationship With Food.
Live Better. Feel Better.
Take Care of Yourself.
Change Your Relationship with Food.
How are you feeling right now? Are you stuck, frustrated, and ready to give up
on your health goals? Are you tired, bloated, and sick of your aches and pains?
Do you wish you could feel confident in your clothes? Are you tired of trying all
the fad diets and gaining the weight back? Or, are you living with a chronic
health condition and wish you could get your life back?
You are not alone. Millions of people around the world
struggle everyday with their weight, energy levels, and
overall wellbeing. We understand that you are
frustrated and we are here to help.
Are you confused about what to eat and about what is actually healthy? Do you
not eat the way you want because it feels like your cravings control you? Are you
tired of using food to comfort stressful emotions? Who wouldn’t be fed up with
these scenarios?
What if feeling your best is easier then you think
What if…
You can heal your digestive issues, bloating, and other health symptoms. Reduce
inflammation and feel freedom from your aches and pains. Lose those extra kilos
and get your confidence back.
You can wake up full of energy – feeling calm, centered and ready for an
extraordinary day. Be excited about your next meal (without counting calories)!
Wow your doctor with how great your blood work looks. Take back your health,
your power, and your life.
What is WildFit?
The WildFit principles are based on a solid foundation of
nutritional science, food psychology and behavioral change: the
ideal combination for lasting results.
Every animal on earth has its own diet, which makes it possible to function at its
absolute best. WildFit is about returning to eating the way Mother Nature
intended. WildFit is a food philosophy that is inspired by the Paleo diet. Sound
complicated? It’s actually pretty simple and that’s why it works.
The WildFit Challenge takes you on a 3-month journey of self-discovery and
personal growth while you learn powerful tools to help you transform your
relationship with food, forever.
When you eat the WildFit way you experience benefits
• End Sugar Cravings Once and For All
• Increase your Energy and Vitality
• Clear Glowing Skin
• Deep, Restful Sleep
• And, Release your Excess Weight Forever!
Now I want to share this life-changing experience with
I want you to be able to bring your grandest, healthiest self to the world. The
WildFit 90 Day Challenge is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, and the
support, care, and coaching are unparalleled!
If you’re looking to…
• Maintain an optimum body weight
• Raise your body’s energy levels
• Slow down aging and eliminate illnesses
• Free yourself from false food beliefs and cravings
• Improve your overall health for better skin, libido, body, and more
It’s time to rethink your relationship with food.
Get Fast, Lasting Results In The
Shortest Time Possible
Because Your Time Is Precious
The WildFit Quest is a 90-day coaching program designed to take you through a
unique and innovative process of self-discovery and self-care.
This program is not about saying, “hey, you should eat more of this and less
of that.”
There are no particular diets to follow; rather you’ll receive eye-opening
nutritional information and powerful psychological tools to follow through on
taking the right action.
The focus is on creating change from within you.
Because when you do something not because you ought to do it but because
you want to do it, the results will feel completely natural and effortless to
At the end of the 90 days, you won’t even relate to some of the foods you’ve
been eating all these years.
Each week you’ll receive new videos with instructions from the WildFit team
on exactly what you should be paying attention to. In addition to the videos,
you also receive information to support you in the journey including guides,
recipes and other resources.
The WildFit Program is:
90 Days To Your Natural, Best Looking
What if it only takes 90 days to so dramatically shift your health and fitness
levels that you’re a totally new person after that?
That’s what the WildFit program is designed to do.
The vast majority of the people who take this program see dramatic changes
in the weight they lose.
What Makes The WildFit Program different
to other Fad Diet Programs?
The Principles to Lasting Health
Draws heavily from evolutionary history and modern-day hunter-gatherer
communities. A key principle of WildFit is that ‘every living thing has a diet’
and that the degree to which a species can stay on its diet is a measure of its
health and longevity.

Powerful Behavioral Psychology
WildFit’s structure is based on powerful behavioral psychology techniques
that help you implement the changes you want, quickly and easily. To create
powerful permanent change in you.

Microlearning For Even Your Busiest Days
You’re going to go through the program along with your co-workers along with
your coach Michelle Richards. You will be delivered bite size pieces of
information and instructions to take each step of the program.

No Starvation
The WildFit Program is carefully designed so that you will NOT be hungry and
you will be encouraged to find more opportunities to be Active. This program
is about nutritional balance and getting your diet, energy levels and sleep on
track so that, when you are ready, you will actually enjoy your exercise. You’ll
not dread it like you used to.

Designed For Results In 90 Days
For the most part, people already know (or think they know) what they
should eat and what they should avoid to achieve their health goals; the
problem is that they often fail to stick with them. They make exceptions and
these exceptions slowly become the rule. The well-refined 90-day structure of
WildFit Program, on the other hand, breaks most people’s conditioning long
enough to deliver lasting change.

Group Coaching and Teams
Food and health are team sports; people gravitate toward the average of the
people around them. This is why the WildFit program is so effective in small
groups that work together to complete the program and support each other
during the program and after it is done. This powerful framework helps you get
the best results possible.

Work With The Six Human Hungers
Most people eat either far more or far less than they need, and often they do
both. They eat too much of what they should and not enough of what they
must. In WildFit, we work with the SIX CORE HUMAN HUNGERS to help
people translate the messages they get so that they can really listen to their

WildFit Quest Requires No Special Foods
Healthier, organic foods can sometimes cost a bit more, but there are no
special shakes, supplements or anything else to purchase. We are
fundamentally against diet programs that are designed to get you to pay extra
for “special foods” or “energy shakes” to complete the journey. Instead, every
week, you gain a new awareness in your relationship with food. WildFit
creates a fundamental change in your own body at a remarkable stick rate and
you are never obligated to buy anything from WildFit again.
Benefits you will experience
While weight loss is an obvious side effect of a healthy balanced life, WildFit
is not just another weight loss program. It’s a total transformation program.
In just 90 days, WildFit students experience radical shifts in their energy,
weight and happiness.
The goal of WildFit is to exceed all your health goals and return you to the
natural you.
That’s why we’re so confident that in the next 90 days, you will…
1. Wake Up Rejuvenated
When your energy is balanced, you calm your nervous and hormonal systems
for better sleep cycles.
2. Stop Cravings, Enjoy Food
Your body won’t go into panic mode for more energy, so you can finally
balance calories and kick cravings.
3. Energy For What Matters
Give your body more nutrients and get more energy to achieve the things you
want in life.
4. Achieve Your TRUE Weight
With the WildFit Quest, it’s inevitable that people loss weight. Allow your
body to go back to its natural, most optimized state.
5. Boost Your Intimacy
Two things affect our passion — hormonal imbalance and body temperature.
The WildFit Quest restores your most natural levels for a better libido.
6. Hack Higher Metabolism
You’ll train your body to burn fat and sugar regularly, so it feels lighter, has
more energy, and you actually want to exercise.
7. Enhance Your Mental Performance
Help your brain perform well all the time. Many students realize they’re able to
think faster, be more productive, and have better memory.
8. Connect With Your Body
Join the health category of the world’s top 5% healthiest people. This radically
different feeling will make you and listen intuitively to what your body wants.
9. Glowing Skin
Notice your skin look and feel better than it has in years, virtually reversing
aging, discoloration, unevenness, acne and more.
Part I — Discovering What Your Body Truly Needs:
Weeks 1-2 (2 x 1hr Group Coaching Live Calls & Daily Videos)
The first two weeks are the foundation of your future healthy self. There will be
daily coaching Videos along with 2 x Live Coaching Calls. This phase of the
program is focused on educating you about your food and your attitude
towards food.
This second phase of the program will involve changes to your diet — nothing
drastic but you’ll follow the natural needs of your body. You will have 2 videos
to guide you through the changes along with two Live Coaching Calls each week.
Plus support within the a supportive private facebook group to help you
make gradual changes.
By letting the body decide what it needs and making changes to accommodate it,
you’re actually allowing the natural human diet to gently take over your lifestyle.
Suddenly, you’ll realize there’s a day and night difference between what you
used to eat and what you are eating now. And there’s absolutely no struggle
You will also learn about the six core hungers of the human body and Learn
how to identify them as they arise in you. The result is that your cravings start
subsiding like an evening sunset. Before long, you realize the usual foods that
used to bother you no longer does.
Includes: Pre-Recorded COACHING Calls, VIDEOS, Q&A and Group
Part II — Allowing Your Natural Human Diet To Take Over:
Weeks 3-10 (1 x 1hr Group Coaching Live Calls & Daily Videos)
This second phase of the program will involve changes to your diet — nothing
drastic but you’ll follow the natural needs of your body. Your coach will be there
to guide you through the changes with two videos each week.
By letting the body decide what it needs and making changes to accommodate it,
you’re actually allowing the natural human diet to gently take over your lifestyle.
Suddenly, you’ll realize there’s a day and night difference between what you
used to eat and what you are eating now. And there’s absolutely no struggle
During this phase, you’ll also see major results like better sleep, increased energy and vitality, improved focus, fewer mood swings, weight correction and an
overall increase in happiness levels.
Includes: LIVE WEEKLY COACHING, VIDEOS, Q&A and Group Mastermind
Part III — Releasing Weight Rapidly And Keeping It Off:
Weeks 11-13: (2 x 1hr - Group Coaching Live Calls & Daily Videos)
This phase of the program is all about making sure the changes you have just
made stays with you for life. It’s about making WildFit your most desired
lifestyle for the rest of your life.
You will learn how to work with seasonal changes in your life and how to use
seasonality to deeply integrate the principles of WildFit into your life.
And there will be a community where you can raise all your concerns and
special situations.
The idea is to equip you with all the tools you need to handle
the unique problems that life may throw you at some point in future.
You will continue getting better and better results during this phase and your
health has only one way to go: UP.
Includes: Tribe support, Pre-Recorded COACHING Calls, VIDEOS, Q&A and
Group Mastermind
(cheaper then 1 x Personal Training session a

Health & Nutrition Coach Michelle Richards
Function Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner
WildFit Nutrition Coach